MHFS April: Black Sunday (1960)

Date: Tuesday 30th April 2024

Time: Screening starts at 7:30
Location: LongPlay 318 St. Georges Road Fitzroy North

MHFS is going back to 1960, Italian style. We are excited to show Mario Bava's Black Sunday aka The Mask of Satan and other titles.

If you haven't seen a Bava film this is a great starting point as this was his first credited directing role.

Over 200 years after being executed for being a witch and a vampire, Princess Asa Vajda is resurrected when two travelers, Prof. Thomas Kruvajan and Dr. Andre Gorobec, accidentally disturb her abandoned tomb. At the time of her execution, the princess swore vengeance against her accuser, her brother, and all of his descendants. She quickly resurrects her lover and turns Kruvajan into her vampire servant. When she learns that the present-day Princess Katia is identical to her, she sets out to get control of the young woman.

Slink on in to LongPlay on April 30 for what's sure to be a great night!! Turn up any time from 6pm for a pre-drink in the bar (which will be open just for us!). You can also bring in food from nearby restaurants but make sure to keep the space clean, no hot food in the Cinema.
Memberships will be available for cash on the night - $15 for a mini pass which gets you three screenings, or $50 for twelve screenings.

MHFS crew

Blood Ritual: Frankenhooker (1990)

Date: 13th April 2024
Time: Starts around 8:30pm
Location: True North 2A Munro Street Coburg

"Wanna Date?" Of course you do! So come along to our April screening of Frankenhooker.

A medical school dropout loses his fiancée in a tragic lawnmower incident and decides to bring her back. Unfortunately, he is only able to save her head, so he goes to the red light district in the city and lures prostitutes into a hotel room so he can get parts for his girlfriend.

We are very excited to be screening another Frank Henenlotter classic, this one from 1990. This horror-comedy will have your sides splitting with laughter and you will not look at Frankenstein or mad scientists in the same way.

On the night:
Come along to True North any time from 5pm for dinner, drinks and hangs before the film. The screening will get started after dark - usually around 8:30 - 9pm.
Bring 10 bucks cash for a membership (if you don't already have one). It gets you three BR screenings plus a free drink at the bar... bargain!
See you there!!

MHFS March: Dog Soldiers (2002)

Date: Tuesday 26th March 2024
Time: Screening starts at 7:30
Location: LongPlay 318 St. Georges Road Fitzroy North

We're thrilled to have Michael Layland return to the MHFS stage this month! After his brilliant screening of Bone Tomahawk in 2023, he'll be bringing us DOG SOLDIERS on March 26!

Michael says: "Dog Soldiers (2002) is considered by many to be a cult classic. It has been described as one of the loudest, goriest, and unexpectedly funniest werewolf movies ever made.

During a routine nighttime training mission in the Scottish Highlands, a small squad of British soldiers expected to rendezvous with a special ops unit instead find a bloody massacre with a sole survivor. Without transport or communications, the group is forced to retreat to a farmhouse to wait for the full moon to disappear at dawn.

There are no easy targets in this horror movie – no damsels tripping over non-existent tree roots. It’s a battle of the ages – an elite SAS unit versus a family of werewolves battling it out until the last man (or wolf) standing.

With plenty of laughs and not a single CGI effect in sight – it’s a refreshing step back into the days of good old fashioned monster movies.

The film is written, directed and edited by Neil Marshall in his first feature directional debut. Marshall will go on to other direct other films including The Descent and Hellboy.

It’s a laugh. It’s a scream. It’ll put hairs on your chest!"

Make sure you come along to LongPlay on March 26 for what's sure to be a great night!! Turn up any time from 6pm for a pre-drink in the bar (which will be open just for us!). You can also bring in food from nearby restaurants but make sure to keep the space clean.

Memberships will be available for cash on the night - $15 for a mini pass which gets you three screenings, or $50 for twelve screenings.

Thanks so much to Michael, we can't wait for the night!!

MHFS crew

March Blood Ritual: Critters 2: The Main Course

Date: Saturday 9th March 2024
Time: Starts around 8:30pm
Location: True North 2A Munro Street Coburg

Do you like chocolate? Bunnies? Aliens? Holidays?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then come along to our screening of Critters 2: The Main Course as Easter (and Crites) has come early to True North.

The flesh-eating fur-balls from outer space are back for a second outing and this time its an even bigger problem as the nearby community of Grovers Bend become the latest course! It's just as well those bounty-hunting hero's are back to save the day! But as the residents are already dropping by the mouthful, it seems as if this time the critters have won.

Blood Ritual specs:
Come along any time from 5pm for pre-movie dins, drinks and hangs. Then the movie will get started as soon as it's dark enough - being Daylight Savings, this is likely to be pushing toward 8:30 - 9pm.
Bring 10 bucks cash for a membership (if you don't already have one). It gets you three BR screenings plus a free drink at the bar... bargain!
Come along!!

Relic: crafted with depth of feeling

Article by Nik McGrath

Relic (2020) is a feature film made in Victoria, shot in Creswick in regional Victoria and locally in Naarm/Melbourne by a young writer-director Natalie Erika James born in the US (1990), who has Japanese heritage, lived a time in Shanghai as a student before moving to Melbourne in 2009 to complete a Bachelor of Film and Television with Honours at the Victoria College of the Arts, graduating in 2013.  

Image: Natalie Erika James on set with Robyn Nevin giving direction

During her degree, she wrote and directed two shorts, a horror short Twitch, in 2011, and romance short Burrow, in 2013. 

After graduating from VCA, a few years passed before she directed her next horror short, Creswick in 2017. Natalie co-wrote Creswick with Christian White, she produced, edited and directed. A story about Sam and her ageing father, and the uneasiness she felt in her childhood home. Relic was based on the short. It genuinely gave me the chills, and many of the best elements of the short carry over to the feature film. The complex relationship between family members but also the obligation of caregiving and the shift in family dynamics between parents and their children. The story is about ageing and dementia, and connected to this, a loss of identity and independence. The uncomfortable and spine chilling feelings that places sometimes possess, in this case connected to the family home and how this impacts each generation within the family.

In 2018, Natalie made another horror short Drum Wave, which she has plans to one day make into a feature film. 

In the same year, Natalie was given the opportunity to shadow Melbourne’s own filmmaking genre legend Leigh Whannell on Upgrade, and stated in Screen Australia Podcast that she loved being on set, and that Leigh was very generous with his time. Seeing Leigh work on Upgrade gave her a good understanding of the scope of directing a feature film and what to expect. Many of the crew on Upgrade ended up working on Relic

Relic is director Natalie Erika James’ feature debut, she co-wrote with Christian White, about three generations of women, played by Emily Mortimer, Robyn Nevin, and Bella Heathcote, who struggle with an unexplained entity in the family home. Edna, the matriarch of the family, played by the marvellous Robyn Nevin, exhibits strange and irrational behaviour, and signs of forgetfulness. 

Natalie visited her grandmother in Japan back in 2014, it was the first visit her grandmother couldn’t remember her. Based on her experiences with her grandmother who suffered from Alzheimer’s, and the creepy traditional Japanese house her grandmother lived in, the concept behind Relic was born. Natalie was scared of her grandmother’s traditional Japanese house as a kid. She visited her grandmother most summers. The creepy ageing building gave Natalie nightmares. 

The film was also influenced by a news story Natalie saw of people ageing and dying alone in rural parts of Japan, abandoned but their children who had moved to the city. 

Robyn Nevin’s character Edna says in the film “This house is the only thing left, all our memories”. The house was designed purposely not to look like a typical horror or Gothic house, but to seem familiar with all the creams and blushes used in the set design, like a grandmother’s house that many of us would be familiar with. The set design includes layers of detail designed in the interiors, to give the sense of being lived in for decades by Edna and her family. The cinematography achieved the sense of growing decay, as Natalie describes, like a faded photograph. 

Intergenerational relationships between the grandmother, mother and granddaughter are relatable to most families who have difficult and complex relationships with their parents or relatives. Seeing a loved one age and becoming forgetful, someone who was always so stoic and independent, is painful to watch. My nan had dementia, so this film does touch me on a personal level. I recently rewatched Relic after losing someone I loved, and it's both painful and cathartic, incredible what this young director has been able to achieve in her first feature. Natalie said that people have spoken to her after a screening, wiping away tears, sharing with her that she makes them feel seen, their experiences of loss told through the fabric of her own story. This is the power of what horror can do when crafted with such a depth of feeling. 

Relic explores feelings of guilt, resentment, but also tenderness and love. It touches my heart, as the relationships feel real and familiar. In preparation for the shoot, the actors created backstories, Sam felt abandoned by Kay, hence the resentment towards her mother who she doesn’t call Mum but Kay throughout most of the film. Robyn wrote a letter as Edna to her daughter Kay and sent that to Emily Mortimer before the shoot. She put a lot of thought into it, which helped build a backstory. Emily’s flight was delayed which meant the three actors only had three days before the shoot started, never having met, but fortunately they quickly bonded which can be seen in the most intimate and tender scenes in the film.

Natalie shared in an interview that shooting a horror film is emotionally draining for the actors who had to access real emotions. Bella Heathcote who plays Sam had to cry for three days straight, “accessing real shit” stated Natalie, so a relaxed feeling on set was important. Bella called her therapist during the filming saying “I can’t handle this”, and the therapist said “of course you can, you might as well use all of that real trauma” in those difficult emotional scenes. The three actors and the crew got along really well, they joked between scenes, except for the big scenes where the actors had to go to dark places, Natalie tried to create a more closed set. Robyn said that not all sets are safe spaces, but Natalie created a safe space, “so you would go to those emotionally dark places because you felt supported and safe”.

Bella has stated in an interview that some of the most emotionally draining parts of the shoot were in the labyrinth scenes. The labyrinth within the house symbolises the real life experiences of people with dementia and alzheimers forgetting where things are in their own homes. Feelings of being lost inside the house, the black mould, dampness, and cluttered furniture are visualisations of what is going on in Edna’s mind. Bella said while she was crawling through the labyrinth she saw a framed photo of her dead mother which set her off, she was accessing real feelings in these scenes. Robyn said Bella would sit next to her in the makeup chair, still crying, she couldn’t stop after three days straight crying. Bella said once you start crying, the signals are sent to your body thinking something is really wrong, and you find it hard to stop. 

Still: Emily Mortimer as Kay in Relic

Natalie said in an interview that “Relic is about confronting mortality, not just your parents' mortality, but your own”. This film tackles some heavy themes. 

Hagsploitation, the witch, the crone - old women are a trope in horror. It was important to Natalie that the character of Edna did not perpetuate the crazy old lady or hag horror trope. Natalie stated: “I think the depiction of mental health can be a little bit problematic in horror as well. It was really important that Edna [is] very sympathetic all throughout this story, and that you do get glimpses of her own experiences in everything that’s going on as well. It's not just about an outsider judging her as this crazy old lady …, and I hope audiences really align with her character as well.”

The sound design and score for Relic began in pre-production, creating the atmospheric character of the house, sounds of the house breathing, house creeks, that the house has a pulse. 

The film is set in Creswick, a rural town in Victoria, north of Ballarat where Edna lives, about and hour and a half’s drive from Melbourne, where Kay and Sam live. The distance has meant that Edna is alone, and sometimes lonely. The forest scenes were filmed in Creswick, other scenes were filmed in Melbourne. 

Relic was shot in 30 days in October to November 2018, pre-COVID. Premiered at Sundance in January 2020, July 2020 in the US, and October 2020 in Australia. Sadly the limited theatrical release in Australia which was planned pre-pandemic didn’t end up happening but Stan coming onboard to stream the film made sure it reached audiences. Some audiences have responded not just to the subject matter of mortality and caregiving in families, but the isolation themes which everyone experienced throughout the pandemic, to varying degrees. Although this story was written and shot pre-pandemic and released during a pandemic, it’s interesting that some reviewers are placing it in a genre of pandemic films.

Natalie’s story and direction is carried by the powerhouse performances of three incredible actors. 

Robyn Nevin who plays Edna, was born in Melbourne in 1942. A homegrown talent with significant contributions to Australian theatre as an actor and creative director for the Sydney Theatre Company, Royal Queensland Theatre, and Melbourne Theatre Company, with extensive experience as an actor working in Australian TV and film. Nevin began her career in 1961, and she continues to work as an actor today. 

In 2020, the year Relic was released, Robyn was made Officer of the Order of Australia for "distinguished service to the performing arts as an acclaimed actor and artistic director, and as a mentor and role model”. Nevin has directed more than 30 productions and acted in more than 80 plays, and has 67 film and TV credits to her name.  

Relic was Robyn’s first experience working in the horror genre, after a lifetime working in the performing arts. She is incredible in this, her transformation is remarkable.

British actor Emily Mortimer as Kay brings compassion to the role which in other hands could have lost some audiences because of Kay’s apparent lack of empathy towards her mother. With over 30 years experience as an actor, writer and director, Emily’s portrayal of Kay is one of nuisance, and she got the Aussie accent with no rehearsal! 

Bella Heathcote, like Robyn, was born in Melbourne. Her first feature film was Aussie horror Acolytes in 2008. Since then she has been in a number of horror films including Tim Burton’s Dark Shadows in 2012, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies in 2016, and in the same year Neon Demon. Bella is in The Moogai, which premiered at Sundance last month, based on the 2020 short. Bella lives in LA but also has a house in Phillip Island. She holds her own with the powerhouse performances of Robyn and Emily. Bella stated in an interview that before working on Relic, she rarely had read scripts with such rounded female characters that realistically and authentically portray the relationships between grandmothers, mothers and daughters. 

Still: Bella Heathcote as Sam in Relic

It’s important that we support women working in the horror genre, especially writers and directors. The University of Southern California published a report in January this year, Inclusion in the Director's Chair: Analysis of Director Gender and Race/Ethnicity Across the 1,700 Top Films from 2007 to 2023, “A total of 116 directors were attached to the 100 top-grossing domestic [i.e. American] films in 2023. Fourteen or 12.1% were women and 102 or 88% were men. This is a gender ratio of 7.3 males to every one female being hired” (p.8). Again, it’s important that we support women working in the horror genre, and any genre, particularly writers and directors. These are the creatives who ensure that female stories are represented authentically and with depth in film.

It’s exciting to see Aussie horror have such a resurgence in the last couple of years. Natalie is an important filmmaker to watch out for and support in her future work, and an important voice for Aussie genre films. Currently Natalie is in post production for her next horror feature film Apartment 7A, a prequel to 1968’s Rosemary’s Baby, starring Dianne Weist, Jim Sturgess and Julia Garner. I hope we get to see Apartment 7a in cinemas.  

Reference List

In Creative Company (2020) Q&A on Relic with Bella Heathcote, Robyn Nevin and Natalie Erika James: 

James, NE (2024) Natalie Erika James About: 

Screen Australia Podcast, Natalie Erika James making debut feature Relic (2020):

Smith, SL and Pieper, K (2024) Inclusion in the Director’s Chair: Analysis of Director Gender and Race/Ethnicity Across the 1,700 Top Films from 2007 to 2023, Annenberg Inclusion Initiative:

The Final Girls (2020) Relic:

Wixon, H (2020) Interview: Digging into the Horrors of Relic with Director/Co-Writer Natalie Erika James and Co-Stars Robyn Nevin and Bella Heathcote:

MHFS Women in Horror: Relic (2020)

Date: Tuesday 27th February 2024
Time: Screening starts at 7:30
Location: LongPlay 318 St. Georges Road Fitzroy North

Nik McGrath is guest host for our Women in Horror screening of RELIC (2020).

Australian writer-director Natalie Erika James’ feature debut RELIC is about three generations of women, Emily Mortimer plays Kay, Robyn Nevin plays Edna, and Bella Heathcote plays Sam, who struggle with an unexplained entity in the family home. Edna, the matriarch of the family, exhibits strange and irrational behaviour, and signs of forgetfulness.
The story of RELIC is based upon Natalie Erika James' own experiences with her grandmother who suffers from Alzheimer’s.

Come join us for a drink at LongPlay before the screening from 6pm. BYO food to eat at the tables, but please put your rubbish in the bin (no food in the cinema). The intro and screening will kick off at 7:30pm in the cinema at the rear.

Memberships will be available on the night, $15 for 3 screenings or $50 for 12. Please bring cash.

Hope to see you there,
MHFS gang.

February Blood Ritual - THE SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE (1982)

Date: Saturday 10th February 2024
Time: Starts around 8:30pm
Location: True North 2A Munro Street Coburg

Blood Ritual returns for 2024 with the driller killer classic 80s horror, THE SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE.
This female led production, directed by Amy Holden Jones and scripted by feminist author Rita Mae Brown was released in 1982 and puts a smart, subversive, and lightly satirical spin on the slasher genre that was booming at the time.

The wonderful Carina Hayden-Skok will be our guest presenter on the night, and if you were there for her hosting of 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?', you'll know to expect an informative and fun introduction to the film. We can't wait!!

Blood Ritual specs:
Come along any time from 5pm for pre-movie dins, drinks and hangs. Then the movie will get started as soon as it's dark enough - being Summer, this is likely to be pushing toward 9pm.
Bring 10 bucks cash for a membership (if you don't already have one). It gets you three BR screenings plus a free drink at the bar... bargain!

Come along!!
MHFS crew

MHFS Christmas: Black X-mas (2006)

Date: Tuesday 19th December 2023
Time: screening starts at 7:30pm
Location: Longplay 318

Ho, ho, ho!! It's Christmas time and here at MHFS there's a present under the tree for everyone - yes, including Billy AND Agnes
For this year, we're going to be screening the 2006 remake of Black Christmas, BLACK X-MAS. Yes, it's trashy; yes, it's totally mid-aughties fare but it can be a lot of fun, deserves a revisit and is festive AF!!
We'd love for you to join us on Tuesday, November 19th for our final screening of 2023. We're going to be taking January off, so it'll be our last screening for a little bit and LongPlay is opening just for us on the night, so we get to take over the whole place! We'll be there from around 6pm having pre-movie drinks and eats (you can even bring in takeaway food from elsewhere to eat in the bar area - so long as you're respectful and bin any rubbish), then the screening will start as normal in the cinema at the rear at 7.30pm.
Memberships are available on the night for $15 cash for three screenings or $50 for twelve.

Hope to see you there!
MHFS crew

December Blood Ritual - SANTA'S SLAY (2005)

Date: Saturday 9th December 2023
Time: Screening starts around 8:30pm
Location: True North 2A Munro Street Coburg

"Who's your Daddy? Father Christmas."

I cannot believe it's already time to talk about Christmas movies - absolutely ridiculous! And just as ridiculous is 'Santa's Slay' (2005) featuring Bill Goldberg as a killer Santa demon, so obviously that's what we're going to be screening at the December Blood Ritual.

Come to True North on Saturday, December 9th for all the Yuletide fun and a festive celebration at the end of what's been a HUGE year!!

You'll be able to get all the usual trimmings from 5pm and we'll cheers a few drinks together before the screening gets started after dark (usually a bit after 8.30). Blood Ritual memberships cost $10 (cash only) for 3 screenings plus a free beverage from the bar.

Hope to see you there!
MHFS crew

MHFS November: DEATHDREAM (1974)

Date: Tuesday 28th November 2023
Time: screening starts at 7:30pm
Location: Longplay 318 St. Georges Road, Fitzroy North

Our homecoming to LongPlay is all set for the last Tuesday of November and let's hope that things don't get as weird as they do in 'Deathdream' (a little weird is good, but not THAT messed up).
Released the same year as 'Black Christmas', Bob Clark's 'Deathdream' (also known as 'Dead of Night') tells the story of a soldier that returns home from the Vietnam War and something is a little.. off.

LongPlay is also likely to look a bit different (but in a good way), the new owners are serving pies with a vegan option and obviously a full bar with plenty of bevvies on offer. You'll be able to find us there from around 6pm before moving into the cinema at the rear for the screening. Normal start time of 7.30pm. You'll still need cash for memberships which are a steal at $15 for three screenings or $50 for twelve.

Looking forward to seeing you there!
MHFS crew

Blood Ritual - Brain Damage (1988)

Date: Saturday 11th November 2023
Time: Screening starts around 8pm
Location: True North 2A Munro Street Coburg

Well, Halloween is officially over for another year, but fear not, November's Blood Ritual is just around the corner and it'll have you wiping away those post-Spooky Season tears.
So, without further adieu... you must come along to True North on Saturday, 11th of November when our very valued member, Andrew Paynter, will be presenting BRAIN DAMAGE.

On the film, Andrew says "Directed by Frank Henenlotter (of Basket Case fame), Brain Damage is a horror comedy which revolves around Brian, who unwittingly becomes host to a talking parasite named Aylmer (not Elmer!). Aylmer provides Brian with feelings of euphoria and trippy hallucinations, for the low low price of feeding on people's brains. Quite transparently being an allegory for drug addiction, it isn't long before Brian's need for more of Aylmer's juice starts taking a toll on his relationships and general well-being. And of course there's plenty of blood and gore too."

Andrew has been coming to screenings for something like 7 years now. He's a lover of horror, sci-fi, excess cheese and campyness, anything neon, and BAD movies. When he's not killing off his brain cells with the most cringe inducing media put to tape, you can find him playing tabletop or video games, or knee deep in learning the ins and outs of running his own business, which he started not too long ago, buying and selling pop-culture collectables.

Being a late 80s b-horror, it won't come as a huge shock that 'Brain Damage' has some elements that could be triggering to some audience members. If this is a concern, please feel free to reach out for more details, or have a look online.

After taking over True North for our October screenings (thankyou, we love you), things return to normal this month - so, yes, back at True North for Blood Ritual and you'll need $10 cash to purchase a membership which gets you three screenings plus a free drink from the bar.

We cannot wait!
MHFS crew

MHFS Halloween Part 3: Trilogy of Terror (1975)

Date: Thursday 26th October 2023
Time: Screening starts around 8:30pm
Location: True North 2A Munro Street Coburg

Did you see a film or TV show when you were too young? Did said images freak you out? Do you still have nightmares from what you saw?
Join us at True North on another Thursday night (yes, you read correctly) for some kinda trauma that terrified 70s kids for...
Three discrete horror stories are presented with one of the few things tying them all together being star Karen Black in dual roles. That duality explicit in one instance and more veiled in the others.

The screening will get started around 8.30pm but you'll be able to find us there anytime from 6pm having a bite to eat and a chin wag.

Happy Halloween vibes
MHFS crew

MHFS Halloween: Once More With Feeling Buffy Special!

Date: Thursday 19th October 2023
Time: Screening starts around 8:30pm
Location: True North 2A Munro Street Coburg

There's nothing we can't face... except for bunnies
And if there's a time in your life to get self-indulgent, it's the week of your 40th birthday, right?
Join us on Thursday, October 19th for a Buffy extravaganza. All singing, all dancing, all talking, all spooking and lots of laughs (maybe mostly when we go mental singing Rest In Peace ).
Starting off with Buffy season 4, episode 4 Fear, Itself. This Halloween episode sees the Scooby Gang dealing with the issues of having just started university (or not in the case of Xander) and they head along to a fraternity haunted house party. It's a fairly standalone episode but introduces a lot of the themes that come to a musically catchy head in possibly the best episode of television ever, Once More With Feeling.
Once More With Feeling was the seventh episode of season 6 and the entire town of Sunnydale starts breaking out in musical numbers (or break-way pop hits).

This special night will be free and is open to anyone to attend. Whether you're a long-term Buffy stan, or have never seen an episode, both of these episodes are quite accessible and we'll give an introduction to set the scene and give context to where they sit in the grand narrative.

The screening will get started around 8.30pm but you'll be able to find us there anytime from 6pm having a bite to eat and a chin wag, and maybe warming up the vocal cords on this occassion. Come and sing along, or watch atleast a couple of us make fools of ourselves doing so.

Happy Halloween vibes
MHFS crew

October Blood Ritual: The Cabin in the Woods (2011)

Date - Saturday 14th October 2023
Time - Around 8pm
Location - True North 2A Munro Street Coburg

Here at the Melbourne Horror Film Society, we love to have fun during Spooky Season and the October Blood Ritual is going to be just that!

Come along to True North on Saturday, October 14th to see a film that's been on the agenda ever since Mel joined the MHFS organiser ranks back in 2016. Being an OG Buffy stan, a meta horror-comedy that is both a love letter to the genre, whilst at the same time deconstructing it and comes from the likes of Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon (I know, boo hiss) was bound to shoot straight to the top of the monster whiteboard.

Blood Ritual screenings at True North run each month on the second Saturday. It's $10 cash for entry, which gets you three screenings plus a ticket to take to the bar in exchange for a free drink. Dinner and drinks will be available for 5pm and the screening officially starts around 8.30, once the kitchen closes.

Hope to see you (and maybe a merman) there!
MHFS crew

MHFS September screening: Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

Date: Tuesday 26th September 2023
Time: Screening starts at 7:30pm
Location: LongPlay 318 St. Georges Road, Fitzroy North

For our next LongPlay screening, we have the incredible Carina Hayden-Skok stepping in as guest host. She'll be presenting Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? from 1962 at 7.30pm on Tuesday, September 26th and we can't wait!
Here's what Carina has to say about her film choice:

"In the wake of Barbiemania, what better excuse for another examination of gender in film, and what better way than through a seminal blockbuster that sparked an entire horror sub-genre?

Hagsploitation, Psychobiddy, Elder Horror, Grande Dame Guignol… Whatever name you give it, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962, Dir. Robert Aldrich) was the surprise hit that saw two of Hollywood’s most formiddle leading ladies (Bette Davis and Joan Crawford) reinvent their careers and take the power back for “women of a certain age” in cinema. Of course, they did this by leaning into the psychology of a deeply misogynistic trope rooted in folklore, but let’s wait for the screening to unpack all that!

For now, simply heed this warning from the film’s original trailer and join us if you dare: “As shock after shock assaults your senses, try to remember that this is only a motion picture. Try to remember.”"

Carina is a longtime MHFS member and devotee whose love of horror was ignited at the impressionable age of seven when she started sneak-watching her uncles’ VHS collection. Museum worker by day, she credits her appreciation of film to all the Cinema Studies electives she managed to squeeze into her BA. She has a penchant for dark explorations of the human psyche (both at an individual and societal level), as well as all things ludicrous and camp - which might go some way towards explaining her film choice!

We can't wait for Carina's screening and also to see all of our wonderful members again for what's sure to be an amazing night! Memberships will be available for $15 cash for three screenings or $50 for twelve. We organise those in the cinema room at the rear of LongPlay from 7pm. Before that, you can catch us in the middle room from 6 having a pre-film bite to eat and / or drink and a yak about all things horror. Everyone is welcome!

MHFS crew

MHFS August screening: Bone Tomahawk (2015)

Date: Tuesday 29th August 2023
Time: Screening starts at 7:30pm
Location: LongPlay 318 St. Georges Rd, Fitzroy North

Howdy friends!
For our August screening, we are so incredibly thrilled to have another of our wonderful, esteemed members stepping in as guest host!
Join us on Tuesday August 29th as Michael Layland takes the reins to show Bone Tomahawk. One of the most exciting parts of sharing these nights with our community is getting to see some of our friends' favourite movies and get a wider range of voices and film selections, and this is certainly exemplary of that!

Michael completed a Bachelor of Education in Media Studies, English Literature and Language with dreams of becoming the next Spielberg. Sadly a lack of talent for movie directing and a dislike of teaching saw him drift into one career and then another but never lost his love of horror flicks. Early influences on his film appreciation included Sergio Leone, Dario Argento and the music maestro Ennio Morricone. Michael has a passion for running, hiking, and of course movies. He now works from home in the commercial building sector and is a long time member of the MHFS.

As for Bone Tomahawk, Michael describes this film by first time director S.Craig Zahler as "a horror western genre mash-up that has shades of John Ford’s The Searchers and dialogue inspired by Quentin Tarantino. A violent and gritty movie that leads down paths most unexpected and does so with a sense of humour. If you haven’t seen this movie, expect the unexpected. Made on a budget, Zahler managed to get some serious star power with Kurt Russel, David Arquette, Matthew Fox and Patrick Wilson saddling up for the adventure. It will grab you by the throat from the very beginning… quite literally".

This is sure to be another special night that you won't want to miss! Memberships will be available on arrival at a price of $15 for three screenings or $50 for twelve. We're still only taking cash but a tap thingy will eventually come along, at which time we'll also be increasing prices cos we be poor peeps! Not exactly sure when it'll happen, and it won't be by too much but if you want to beat the price rise, grab yourself a full membership so you won't have to think about it for atleast a year!

Thank you to Michael Layland and all of our members that have upcoming screenings, as well as a massive thanks and congratulations to Jack Kramme for his incredible July screening

We hope to see you all in August!

MHFS crew

Blood Ritual - The Final Terror (1983)

Date - Saturday 9th September 2023
Time - Around 8pm
Location - True North 2A Munro Street Coburg

Do you like slasher movies? Do you like searching for that hidden gem that you missed during the slasher boom? Do you like venturing out into the woods?

If you answered yes to any, or all of these questions, you do not want to miss the August Blood Ritual!

We are going back to 1983 (and according to Mel who's jumped in, the greatest month ever - October 1983! So almost 40 years ago ) to help a bunch of rangers that go camping on unfamiliar forest grounds. All's well until the group members start getting knocked off by a cunning killer in the woods.

This almost lost gem might be unfamiliar to you but there are some familiar faces in this film, and even an Aussie!

The folks at True North will be dishing out delicious food and pouring drinks from about 5pm onwards so come hang with us and get yourselves a good seat before the intro and screening get started at a very loose 8:30pm

Memberships will be available from $10 cold hard cash on the night. If you have been before just remember to bring your card with the 3 red skulls on it (if the red skulls have been punched out you know it's time to get another card). Purchasing this card entitles you to a free drink.

Hope to see you there!
MHFS crew.

MHFS July Screening: THIR13EN GHOSTS (2001)

Date: 25th July 2023
Time: Screening starts at 7:30pm
Location: LongPlay 318 St. Georges Rd, Fitzroy North

For our July screening, we are thrilled to have Jack Kramme stepping in as our very special guest host for the night. We have an extremely talented and passionate community and you’ll see us handing over the reins over the coming months to introduce a wider range of voices and unique perspectives on the horror genre.

Jack is an audio and video editor who works on various projects and co-hosts multiple podcasts and livestreams. A self proclaimed pop culture aficionado, he has been a horror fan for most of his life - since an older sibling introduced him to A Nightmare on Elm Street at the age of five because they thought it would be funny to see him terrified. It indeed terrified him, but also kick started a lifelong love of the genre. Jack's tastes lean more towards horror of a supernatural nature rather than more practical horror inspired by real life. Ghosts, monsters and demons, as opposed to serial killers and more real world stuff if you will. Because of that he is excited to present a film that sort of came and went without a lot of fanfare, but has since garnered a bit of a cult following. That film is, of course, the 2001 remake of 13 Ghosts, Thirteen Ghosts (or THIR13EN Ghosts). A film that Jack describes as "Kinda silly and over the top, but also fun and self aware with a great overall production design and horror aesthetic".

You’ll be able to catch our screening of this under-appreciated early-aughts flick on Tuesday, July 25th at LongPlay in Fitzroy North. The screening officially starts at 7:30 but you’ll be able to catch us there from opening time at 6pm. We’ll have memberships available to purchase on the night at $15 for a mini-pass (three screenings), or $50 gets your twelve screenings. At this stage we’re still only taking cash but we are in the process of (eventually) switching to card payments. As a word of warning, the cost of our memberships will also be increasing at some point, so you might want to get yourself a twelve screening pass at that rate to beat the price rise. It won’t be a big increase and we hate to do it, but we currently pay for film rights out of our own pocket (and that’s becoming much less do-able financially) - **insert the “help me I’m poor” gif from Bridesmaids**.

Hope to see you there for no talk about cost of living pressures etc etc (that horror is way too real!) Let’s just squeal and laugh watching a fun horror flick!

Much love,

Blood Ritual - Demons 2 (1986)

Date - Saturday 8th July
Time - Around 8pm
Location - True North 2A Munro Street Coburg

We here at MHFS try to help our amazing members, especially when they are having trouble with Inner Demons. Almost a year ago we showed Demons and since then we have noticed a few heads spinning so it is our duty to do something about this...

Join us as we finish off our 3-month Italian Horror film series with Lamberto Bava's Demons 2. This was written by Bava and Dario Argento who also produced the film.

A documentary is shown on TV of a group of teens who investigate the legendary forbidden zone, in which a demon infestation once took place (see Demoni I). Finding a lifeless corpse of a demon, one of the teens causes its resurrection of it, and the demon makes its way into the nearby world via TV broadcast - An unlucky girl having her birthday party at that time gets possessed by the demon while watching the documentary, and soon the entire building in which she lives turns into a living nightmare.

The Bellissimo folks at True North will be dishing out delicious food and pouring drinks from about 5pm onwards so come hang with us and get yourselves a good seat before the intro and screening get started at a very loose 8:30pm

Memberships will be available from $10 Cold hard cash on the night. If you have been before just remember to bring your card that has the 3 red skulls on it (if the red skulls have been punched out you know it's time to get another card). Purchasing this card entitles you to a free drink.

We hope to see you there!
MHFS Crew (not Demons).