MHFS November: Doctor Sleep (Director's Cut)

Date: Tuesday 26th November 2024
Time: Screening starts at 6:30pm
Location: Wildflower Picture House & Bar 318 St. Georges Road Fitzroy North

This month at MHFS, we are absolutely thrilled to have Jack Kramme back at the helm! He promises that his tapping on the typewriter definitely makes sense and gives us a little taste below..

"Last time MHFS invited me to show a film, I chose Thirteen Ghosts, a loud, dumb amusement park of a horror film that I enjoy because its a lot of fun, but it's not much beyond that.

Now they've given me a second round, I've chosen to show what is very much the complete antithesis of Thirteen Ghosts, 2019s Doctor Sleep.

This film being so thematically rich and beautifully laid out, it is very near and dear and close to my heart and I hope it gives you all the feelings that it gives me.

It also flopped at the box office and I've made it my life's work to ensure it gains a cult following."

On the night: We journey back to own version of the Overlook Hotel, Wildflower Picture House & Bar (previously Long Play), which will be open for us from 5.30pm for food and pre-drinks. You'll be able to feast on oysters and tacos from their incredible new menu, so make sure to come along early to take advantage! The screening will then take place in the cinema room at the rear with pre-movie introduction from the aforementioned, Jack.

*PLEASE NOTE* This month's screening has a special start time of 6.30pm (rather than the usual 7.30) as we'll be showing the Directors Cut of Doctor Sleep, which has a 3-hour runtime (compared to the theatrical's 2hr 32).

Memberships will be available on the night - $15 for three screenings or $50 for twelve. You'll need to line your pockets with some cashola for a membership. Cash is King! We look forward to seeing you there.

MHFS team & Jack