December Blood Ritual: Santa's Slay (2005)

Date: Saturday the 14th December 2024
Time: Starts around 8:30pm
Location: True North 2A Munro Street Coburg

"Who's your Daddy? Father Christmas."

How the hell are we already talking about Christmas horrors (actually, we should be talking about them all year 'round cos they're THE BEST!! And 'Santa's Slay' from 2005 is no exception!! This is take two for us after last year's Decmember Blood Ritual had to be cancelled, so if you're feeling some deja vu, you're not going crazy! It features Bill Goldberg as a killer Santa demon, so obviously it's going to be AWESOME!

Come to True North on Saturday, December 9th for all the Yuletide fun and a festive celebration at the end of what's been a HUGE year!! Andrew Paynter will be providing your pre-movie entertainment for the evening with a little intro to the film.

You'll be able to get all the usual trimmings from 6pm and we'll cheers a few drinks together before the screening gets started (hopefully around 9).

Hope to see you there!
MHFS crew